I had an appointment to donate blood platelets at 11 this morning, so I woke up at 8 to get a quick 4 miler in before I had to leave. When I woke up, it was torrential downpours everywhere. The stupid rain melted the stupid snow, which was nice, but I didn't feel like getting cold and soaked first thing in the morning. So being the gambler that I am, I decided to forgo the morning run and hope that it would stop raining sometime during the afternoon or evening. So I went and donated some platelets, and I actually got two free tickets to the Bronx Zoo for donating, which is very cool. By like 2, the rain was just as strong as it was in the morning. I feel like The Sun hasn't been out in like 3 weeks. So I kept stalling my run, I watched Beerfest, did a few things, then around 530 I was just like "ok, just go out and run. It's only water." So I went out, and to my surprise, it was only drizzling, and it was like 50 degrees. It felt good to run in my shorts again. I only went out for like 3 miles because I kept getting landsharked, and the roads were slippery as hell.
Watching the Roger Clemens Congressional hearings today, I realized that this country is still as divided as ever. Every single Republican at the hearings were attacking Brian Mcnamee, and all the Democrats were going against Clemens, albeit not in the same capacity the Republicans were calling out Mcnamee. Watching the hearings, it is clear that Roger Clemens, the Southern boy who has ties to the Bush family, is guilty of using some kind of illegal stuff, but the Republicans wanted nothing to do with him and everything to do with accusing Mcnamee of wrong doing. It's crap like this, and about 250 other things, that annoy me about the two party system we have in this country. Thats why I'm proud to be a registered Green Party member. Whoever winds up with the Green nomination (right now its Cynthia Mckinney, but we all know Ralph Nader will be the eventual candidate), will have my vote. I know they won't be the next President, but at least I know that my vote will go to a candidate that stands for the most important issues (see below), and not to someone else who is going to further split this country.
10 Key Values of the Green Party
Grassroots Democracy
Social Justice and Equal Opportunity
Ecological Wisdom
Community Based Economics and Economic Justice
Feminism and Gender Equity
Respect for Diversity
Personal and Global Responsibility
Future Focus and Sustainability
Miles run today: 3 Year to Date: 98.5
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