Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Thursday

I guess posting a rain blog yesterday worked, because today was sunny and beautiful. In case you didn't know, a rain blog is just like a traditional rain dance, but we're in 2008, no one dances anymore. And there might not be any Native Americans either for all I know. Anywho, it was real nice out today... a tad blustery, but otherwise a real pleasant day. Maybe it had something to do with it being Valentines Day, but I doubt that. In honor of Valentines Day, I was gonna attempt a 14 mile run, but then I realized I hate Valentines Day, so I went out for a 14K instead. It was nice to get out for a longer run today after two days of crap weather and only a few miles each day.

As stated above, I do not celebrate Valentine's Day. I only capitalize it because it's proper English to do so. Now I'm not going to give you the old I hate Valentine's Day because it's a holiday made up by Hallmark to capitalize on idiots excuse, nor will I admit that I hate Valentine's Day because I am a single male and just jealous that everyone else is blowing half a paycheck on taking their darlings out tonight. By the way, nothing says "I love you" then some saturated fat and slutty lingerie. I don't celebrate VD (properly abbreviated if I may add) because of what it does to people. It just causes more and more stress for people who really don't need it. I will always remember two years ago, on February 13th, I was playing hockey and I hurt my foot real bad. The pain was so severe that I could not sleep. At about 1am, I decided to get some IcyHot for my foot. I went to the 24 hour Walgreens in my hood, and I kid you not, I saw 35 grown men frantically tearing the shelves apart looking for the last pieces of chocolate and the remaining overpriced stuffed gorilla that says "I go ape for you." Every single person looked miserable. I overheard one dude say to another "I fear the wrath of my wife." These men were not going home to their precious dolls to say "I love you babycakes. Happy Valentines Day, lets cuddle and watch Cameron Diaz movies." No my friends, these poor bastards were going home to say "Woman, I just waited on a line for 50 minutes to get you these flowers that are almost dead, and this stupid cow that says 'you really moooove me'. Don't you dare forget about Steak and BJ Day." *

So there you have it. Valentines Day just causes misery for most people, and I hate misery, therefore I hate Valentine's Day.

* For Steak and BJ Day, I will take my steak in the form of a chicken burger or vegetable lasagna.

Miles Run Today: 8.7 Year to Date: 106.2

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