Saturday, February 23, 2008

Funnel Fort

So yesterday New York got slammed with the biggest snow storm of the season. I have to commend the Town of Huntington Sanitation Department for doing a great job of clearing the roads in a timely matter. When I got home from work, I was going to run 2 or 3 miles, but Mike wanted to build a funnel fort* so I only ran one quick mile.

* A funnel fort is a fort, built from snow, that can comfortably fit two adults. It is also equipped with a funnel in the top of it, with the tube running through the snow. It makes the beer super cold and super awesome because your drinking in a fort.

So we started building the funnel fort, but we didn't finish it yet, as happy hour was calling our names. We shall finish it today.

Speaking of today, I woke up pretty early and got a 6 miler done before 8am. I don't know what gene humans have to make them sleep late, but I'm missing it. It doesn't matter what time I go to sleep, I can never ever sleep past like 830am. It's a real disease. I don't think I went to bed until about 2am, but I was up at 7. The crazy thing is that I can totally function on 5 hours of sleep. I might pass out for like 10 minutes while watching the tele or something, but I'll be good to go for sure.

Right now I'm watching The Tao of Steve. This movie got tons of indie critical acclaim when it came out back in 2000, but I don't think I know one other person that has ever seen it. It is an absolutely amazing movie.

I'm also waiting for Mike to wake up so we can continue to work on the funnel fort. A little known fact about Mike is that when he doesn't have work, he sleeps for 19 hours of the day.

Miles today and yesterday: 7 Year to Date: 125.5

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