Saturday, June 13, 2009

I’ve heard some ridiculous band names in my day. There was the New Jersey powerpunk powerhouses, Shower With Goats, who, by the grace of god reunited in 2007. Or there is Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin, who have one song that I like (Oregon Girl). I used to listen to a hardcore band called the Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza. And maybe three months ago, someone told me to check out an electro / indie band with the name Natalie Portmans Shaved Head. A great name, and actually, a really nice band. I dig their sounds. They played at Santo’s the other night, and I missed it. I’m annoyed with myself, but they will be back on the 20th, so I will most definitely check them out then.

I have come to the conclusion that if any event is going to be considered super fun, its going to need one of two things: either beach balls or bubbles. Think about it. Name one place that you have been where beach balls or bubbles were being circulated through the crowd and you were like “wtf, get that beach ball out of here.” The fun level of any sporting event, concert, or festival is automatically doubled anytime a beach ball is going around. As a matter of fact, at my wedding in 2040, I want beach balls being hit around during the church ceremony. My funeral (presumably 6 months after I get married) too.

Bubbles, on the other hand, are just rad. I was driving home today, and in the car in front of me, a little girl had her cool bubble machine hanging out the window, blowing bubbles in my direction. It was like driving through some kind of awesome time warp. I was so happy. While bubbles will surely be included in both my wedding and funeral plans, I am really annoyed with myself for missing the premier bubble event of 2009 last night. Thats right, Bubble Battle 2009 took place last night in Times Square, and I friggin missed it. For some stupid reason, I had it marked on my calendar for June 19th, not the 12th.

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